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Five ways EFT reduces anxiety and promotes calm

You might be wondering - so how does EFT / Tapping help to reduce my anxiety levels? What does it actually do? Well read on…

Releases layers of anxiety from the past

As we talk and ‘Tap’ a memory from the past, the unprocessed fear still held in the mind and body from that time releases. It will enable you to think about it but it will no longer have an impact on you. 

The anxiety has released and the memory fades or feels distant now. As you release the fear stacked up from different life experiences, by processing different memories this can begin then significantly reduces your anxiety levels in the present with a snowball effect. 

Your perception and mindset shifts

As the anxiety still held in the mind-body from past events dissipates, a natural mindset shift also occurs. Your perspective changes from being fear-based towards a more positive and trusting perception of the world. 

There is also a noticeable reduction in anxious thoughts, negative feelings and fear based tension in the body helping you to relax and enjoy life more greatly. 

Calms your nervous system  

Research shows that Tapping reduces cortisol (the body's stress hormone) levels by 43%. Also 76% of people suffering with generalised anxiety disorder experienced a complete remission after using EFT. Good results huh?

More resourced and resilient 

The impact of processing past anxiety means the feelings of overwhelm and panic in the present significantly subside. You begin to feel more resilient as you're not stuck in cycles of fear or triggered into panic. 

You feel lighter, at ease and happier. You see the world from the eyes of yourself now, not from the perspective of your younger self who was stuck in a moment of overwhelm. You therefore naturally feel more resourced and able to respond from a grounded state.

Feeling Empowered 

Once you begin to release fear from the past, your energy levels rise and you feel more empowered. The worry or fear that held you back before has gone and a natural sense of personal boundary is clear. 

Where you may have felt fearful to express your needs or communicate what you want - this now comes with greater ease leading to more fulfillment and happiness. 

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